January 26 – April 16, 2023
The Supper Table, a multidisciplinary, collaborative arts project developed by the Columbia, SC nonprofit The Jasper Project, celebrates 12 historic South Carolina women, as well as the beautiful and diverse work of contemporary South Carolina women artists. Situated around a 12 x 12 x 12-foot, triangular-shaped table made by Jordan Morris are 12 unique place settings in a variety of media each honoring a woman from South Carolina history whose life was dedicated to the betterment of humankind: Mary McLeod Bethune (1875-1955), Alice Childress (1916-1944), Septima Clark (1898-1987), Mathilda Evans (1872-1935), Althea Gibson (1927-2003), Angelina and Sarah Grimke (1805-1879 and 1789-1873), Eartha Kitt (1927-2008), Sarah Leverette (1919-2018), Julia Peterkin (1880-1961), Eliza Pinckney (1722-1793), Modjeska Monteith Simkins (1899-1992) and Elizabeth Evelyn Wright (1872-1906). Each honorary place setting was created by a contemporary female artist from South Carolina: Bohumila Augustinova, Eileen Blyth, Michaela Pilar Brown, Tonya Gregg, Mana Hewitt, B.A. Hohman, Heidi Darr-Hope, Lori Isom, Flavia Lovatelli, Laurie Brownell McIntosh, Renee Roullier and Olga Yukhno.
In addition to the table installation are 12 portraits of each honored South Carolinian woman in history drawn by Kirkland Smith, as well as 12 short films produced by South Carolina female filmmakers and 12 theatrically read essays honoring each historic woman – written by South Carolina women writers and read by South Carolina theatre actresses. One hundred and twenty tiles, each naming great women South Carolinians and decorated by SC-Midlands community members will also be on display. In all, The Super Table brings together 60 literary, visual, theatre and film artists to create this innovative arts installation celebrating contributions to our State’s culture and instilling pride in our foremothers, as well as South Carolina’s contemporary women leaders and artists.
Both professional artists and community participants experienced an engaged sense of project ownership and legacy by contributing to the installation of The Supper Table, which, in itself, enhances South Carolina’s narrative by focusing on the contributions of brave and diverse women both historic and contemporary, who who have devoted and continue to devote their lives to creating a culture of equality and advancement in the arts and sciences.
installation views:
© 2016 Franklin G. Burroughs • Simeon B. Chapin Art Museum
Myrtle Beach’s Franklin G. Burroughs-Simeon B. Chapin Art Museum strives to be one of the finest visual arts museums in the Carolinas. With 11 galleries that change throughout the year, Myrtle Beach’s only art museum offers exhibitions featuring paintings, textiles, sculpture, photography, video, ceramics, assemblage, collage and more. A visit to the Art Museum’s exhibitions can be enhanced by its lively programming, including artist receptions, tours, lectures, workshops and classes for both adults and children.