January 2 – April 22, 2018
Artist-led tours of William H. Miller | What You See Is What You Get
Free | No reservations required
Sunday, February 4, 2018 | 2 pm
Sunday, March 4, 2018 | 2 pm
Wednesday, April 4, 2018 | 5:15 pm
William H. Miller is a professional, full-time artist and owner of William H. Miller Studios & Fine Art in Myrtle Beach. The exhibition, What You See Is What You Get, showcases a body of work examining the artist’s struggle to successfully actualize two art media: traditional painting and digital painting. In each, the process of mark-making is the same. This is Miller’s playground—painting, digital art and the space in between. Just as he was finding his way as a classically-trained artist, so too was Miller introduced to early computer-graphic technology. Ergo, his technical skill and artistic vision developed simultaneously, allowing Miller to explore abstraction through the synergy between traditional and digital painting techniques. Miller remarks that he paints abstracts “to communicate complex themes and emotions…meant to stir a viewer’s visual mind—activating, adding to and remixing notions of imagery and meaning.” And “the creation of an abstract work is incomplete until the viewer brings his own experiences and perceptions into the process.” The Art Museum and William H. Miller invite you, the viewer, to experience the bold, colorful and dynamic abstractions in both digital and traditional paint media, thereby helping to complete the paintings with your own responses and impressions.
Whim’s Weekly WYSIWYG
Each Tuesday throughout the exhibition, Miller will produce an original digital painting to accompany the exhibition and will be shared on the Art Museum and Miller’s social media accounts. Stay connected with the Art Museum on Facebook, Instagram and Twitter to be the first to see Miller’s original digital paintings and learn about what inspires him.
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the work:
© 2016 Franklin G. Burroughs • Simeon B. Chapin Art Museum
Myrtle Beach’s Franklin G. Burroughs-Simeon B. Chapin Art Museum strives to be one of the finest visual arts museums in the Carolinas. With 11 galleries that change throughout the year, Myrtle Beach’s only art museum offers exhibitions featuring paintings, textiles, sculpture, photography, video, ceramics, assemblage, collage and more. A visit to the Art Museum’s exhibitions can be enhanced by its lively programming, including artist receptions, tours, lectures, workshops and classes for both adults and children.