44 Malkah Bat-Tzion, Pushing Into Inner Wisdom, acrylic, 8″x10″
Malkah Bat-Tzion is an intuitive artist and South Carolina native. Her canvases are a platform for spontaneous gesture, textural irregularity, and cryptic play that give life to her personal style of Abstract Expressionism and Symbolism. Bat-Tzion is self-taught and takes an instinctive approach with her creative works applying a generous mélange of pigments and manipulating them until she strikes gold. She often paints abstract layer upon layer, each one contributing a story, depth, ripple, and intentional energy to her work. Her paintings often portray an ethereal world that penetrates and peels away at the perplexities of spiritual evolution. “I desire to create dialogue that always points back to oneself for introspection. I want to give a glimpse to what lies beneath the surface of mundane thought; a spark of what exists inside the pursuit of mysteries.” Bat-Tzion’s healing gifts are strategically released into her painting process.
She has the keen ability of what she describes as “capturing energy” to produce a visual language that unveils spiritual truths specific to thesubject in mind.Bat-Tzion received a B.A. in French from the University of South Carolina, a diploma in Intensive French Language fromPaul Valéry in Montpellier, France, and a B.S. in Nursing from Francis Marion University. Her career began as a GiftedEducation French teacher and later included working as a Registered Nurse. She considers these previous roles asstepping stones to self-actualization. Bat-Tzion had a love for art as a young girl but never imagined that she could be anartist until mid-life. She created her first painting in 2005, however, she yielded to external pressures and distanced herselffrom creating art for many years. Today she embraces her divine métier as an artist, shaman, and spiritual messengerusing prophecy, spirituality, and the healing arts to help women cherish the sacredness of self.Bat-Tzion’s work has been featured in regional exhibitions including a South Carolina State Museum Traveling Exhibition;curator and award-winning master art quilter Torreah “Cookie” Washington, hosted by Cheraw Arts Commission, Cheraw,SC. She has also been a contributing artist to Art Therapy coursework by Libby Seery, psychotherapist and founder ofRenaissance Life Therapies of London, England. Besides working in her home studio, Bat-Tzion shows at Art Harbor FineArt Gallery in Georgetown, SC. Bat-Tzion continues to evolve artistically and create more space for painting asan expression of Love to the world and healing for the soul. |
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