William H. Miller
214-632-2809 (ok to call or text)
A graduate of Parsons School of Design, William H. Miller creates contemporary abstract paintings using both digital technology and traditional acrylic mixed media. Creating abstracts allows him the freedom to address complex themes and emotions, and new technologies such as the iPhone enable him to create something every day even if he is not in the studio. A full-time artist since 2012, William constantly creates new work, including monthly artwork for a select group of subscribing collectors, and seeks opportunities to share his knowledge with other artists. The mayor of Houston, where he was living and working, proclaimed June 30, 2014, as William H. Miller Day for enriching the lives of Houstonians through visual art. In 2015, William opened his studio and gallery in Myrtle Beach in the Arts + Innovation District. He showed his art in Lake City at ArtFields 2016 and 2017 and received an Artist Venture Initiative Grant by the South Carolina Arts Commission. 2018 started with his first museum show of his work “What You See Is What You Get” at the Franklin Burroughs Simeon Chapin Art Museum, in Myrtle Beach, SC. William has shown in Dallas, Fort Worth, Austin, Houston, San Antonio, New York City, Buffalo, Los Angeles, Florida, Vermont, Tennessee, and South Carolina.
© 2016 Franklin G. Burroughs • Simeon B. Chapin Art Museum
Myrtle Beach’s Franklin G. Burroughs-Simeon B. Chapin Art Museum strives to be one of the finest visual arts museums in the Carolinas. With 11 galleries that change throughout the year, Myrtle Beach’s only art museum offers exhibitions featuring paintings, textiles, sculpture, photography, video, ceramics, assemblage, collage and more. A visit to the Art Museum’s exhibitions can be enhanced by its lively programming, including artist receptions, tours, lectures, workshops and classes for both adults and children.